The MCSR Tarot Project

Major Arcana

By Esper

This card, The Fool, shows KryticZeuz traversing an unexplored world. The sun hangs high in the sky, and the bountiful fields gradually make way for tall mountain peaks. There is so much new land to be discovered! However, as KryticZeuz gazes into the seemingly endless skyline, he is unaware of where his feet are taking him. Whether it be due to naivety or carelessness, KryticZeuz has stumbled upon a steep cliff. The world around him is exciting and new, but this adventure also brings with it the dangers of any new discovery. KryticZeuz has yet to have his bubble of innocence burst and believes that there are endless opportunities waiting for him in this world. But one must remember, with opportunity comes future hardship.

By Helian

The card depicts Alyx with a book. He is drawing magic and power from it, and the light from the magic illuminates his face. Reminiscent of his power to build something from nothing, there sits above his head a hazy outline of a village. Perhaps it tells a story of two friends.This Magician represents pure willpower. He represents creating something from want alone, and he makes it his own. He connects the imagination with reality, the fictional and the physical, and weaves them into one.

By Yuu

In The High Priestess Card, Kayfour stands in front of a background of stained glass, a cross in his hand, and a veil, meaning he could possibly be in a church setting while also alluding to The High Priestess name. On and around him, sunflowers bloom. These flowers have many meanings to them, some of which can be hope, good luck, and positivity. The High Priestess card symbolizes inner voice and intuition. Kayfour’s determined stance and expression shows he is confident in his instincts while being backed by the sunflowers’ symbolism.

By Teal

The Empress, in this case, the lovely Molly, adorned in a dark red and violet, sits upon a throne of branches, reminiscent of the card's connection to nature. Crowned in the stars of the divine, Molly's dress colors allude to the pomegranate patterning of the original card, a sign of fertility and love. Molly rules over the world with love and blessings.

By Weirdo

Camo, the Emperor, sits on a throne wreathed in fire, representative of grit and strength. He wears a golden crown and confident expression as he leans to the side, sure of himself and his position as leader. Being confident, it can be assumed that through experience, he has learned what it takes to rule and be successful. His confidence and the environment he rules from opposes the Empress, a ruler of love and kindness, as the Emperor rules with strength and force.

By Wubba and Chor

The Lovers card features Fulham and Lauren holding hands. Behind them, is the Eiffel Tower, the greatest attraction in Paris. This highlights their romance, as Paris is known to be the City of love, emphasizing the romantic atmosphere this card exudes. It symbolizes devotion and attraction, the couple being content and in unity with each other.

By Harvocel

The Chariot card shows Benex framed by a ruined portal, which he is moments away from lighting. He gazes down at his flint and steel with a glint of excitement in his eyes, an adventure waiting for him, just out of reach. Though the dimension that awaits him is perilous, he will maintain control and hold his fear in check. He knows that while traversing the Nether, he must act with the utmost confidence. Many challenges will be thrown at him, but with unwavering determination, he will not only survive, but thrive.

By Doto

The Strength card illustrates the Ender Dragon’s jaws being calmly held by 7Rowl. Despite the creature’s immense power, 7Rowl is unafraid, and appears to have control over it. The Dragon’s single visible eye glares a violet hue, while 7Rowl’s eye shines a bright turquoise, both combatting the darkness. 7Rowl’s quiet act of control is almost graceful. There is no struggle between the two of them: only comfortable balance and mutual respect. The Ender Dragon is a symbol of desire and ambition, and while these emotions aren’t malevolent, they can certainly become negative if one does not exert the proper force to restrain them.

By Tibby and Vivi

Cubfan, part of the Hermitcraft server, represents the Hermit in this gorgeous card. In the card, he is shown searching for materials with a lantern in hand. A web of different ores and precious minerals can be seen behind him, representing the spiritual knowledge contained in the Hermit tarot card. To the right of Cub, diamonds can be seen in the wall, an homage to the accomplishment and success prevalent in the original card. The glowing lantern shines light on his prize, much like wisdom shines on those who obtain it, while his pick shows the authority and power over the situation that he has.

By Lily and Esper

This card depicts Fruitberries sitting atop a large clock . Two dragons circle around the clock, one breathing out gas. In the sky, which is covered in stars, there sit two items, blaze rods and ender pearls. These are the two items needed to complete the game. Below there are two houses and some trees: an overworld village, a good place to start.The Wheel of Fortune smiles fondly upon those who draw this card. He symbolises a never-ending change, but one filled with good luck and fortune. The clock turns always, and despite there being good and bad times, it never stops ticking. The items at the top, the pearls and rods, symbolise the luck needed to reach your goals of defeating the cycling dragon. But even if you have good luck now, what goes up must always come down.

By Arch

The Justice card features Oliver and Redlime, creators of the MCSR Ranked mod, holding a set of brass scales inset with an eye of ender. They watch over a miniature Nether fortress, where a game is playing out. There, Hackingnoises battles a Wither skeleton, racing to the blaze spawner. In the distance, a green graph resembling the MCSR Ranked elo graph glows brightly through the Nether fog. Just as every choice and action can decide the outcome of a Ranked match, perhaps this represents how the decisions that one has made in the past will be carefully weighed towards their judgment. The Justice card is a symbol of truth, fairness, and karma; a promise that one's effort will be rewarded.

By Quill

The Temperance card features Couriway, standing atop an open End fountain, holding two golden goblets of what seems to be pure void in liquid form. As in the original Temperance card, he is mixing the liquids, suggesting union and infinity. The End fountain is open, the dragon is dead, and balance has been restored to the world in the form of an open passageway between the End and the Overworld, with no guardian standing between.

By Ambivalent

In this card, Bendo traps the viewer with his piercing gaze. Darkness surrounds him, so as the audience, our eyes have no choice but to meet his stare straight-on. The devil himself has taken us captive, reminding us of the ways the hellish desires rule our lives. Whether it be an endless search for power, a materialistic obsession, or the chains of addiction, the devil has manipulated our perspectives and trapped us in a prison of our own personal design. Now, not only are we trapped by our earthly vices, we are also trapped in the labyrinth of Bendo’s all-knowing eyes.

By Chor and October

The Tower card features TapL plummeting from a looming nether fortress. The blaze spawner at the top of the fortress emits an eerie glow, illuminating the plums of smoke spiraling into the distance. TapL is a moment away from plunging into the suffocating heat of the lava. Perhaps he made a risky jump based on poor calculations. Regardless, his great fall is necessary for his even greater ascension. The Tower symbolizes rebirth from the ashes. Sometimes, a great fall is necessary for even greater growth.

By Elisthetic

This card shows Draconix stood upon a vibrant stage with bright curtains pulled back to either side. Draconix themself is the central point of this card. Surrounded by decadent and gleaming stars, Draconix cuts a striking figure. In their hands, Draconix offers the viewer a star of their own. In fact, this star is the largest and most radiant one of them all. Its smiling face warms the heart, and it twinkles with a calming glow. With this star, Draconix offers us a sense of hope and spiritual cleansing. As we make preparations for the challenges ahead, this moment with them will fill us with renewed inspiration and faith.

By Harvocel

In this card, Nerdi is illuminated by the brilliance of the full moon behind him. He wades through water that sparkles with his rippling reflection. Framing the moon are two End towers, each with a whirling crystal on top. Nerdi’s cloak drifts around him. He holds his sword in one hand, and a mysterious lunar satchel is draped over his opposite shoulder. As he approaches his next challenge, he has two choices of weapon. The sword provides a clear and practical solution, one of the conscious mind. However, the mysteries of the lunar satchel call to Nerdi’s subconscious. Perhaps this strange weapon will guide him through the depths, but only if he is able to discern its secrets.

By Ambivalent

This card features Ambivalent, their form illustrated in an almost stained glass-like manner. Their hands open with palms to the sky in a gesture of offering. A pair of feathered wings are folded elegantly behind them. Above them, the sun beams its fiery and soothing glow. The radiance Ambivalent emits reaches the viewer in the form of inspiration. The Sun card is an offering as well as a symbol of revival, as the brightest dawn arrives after the darkest night. With an abundance of love flowing off of them, Ambivalent shines onto all those around, igniting the joy within them.

By Chor

The Judgement card features Zylenox sounding a golden trumpet to activate the End portal. A set of iron bars frame his face, concealing the path out of the room. Violet rays of light flow from the portal, resembling those of a dying End dragon. Perhaps, like mankind responding to the angel Gabriel's call, Zylenox is prepared to face judgment at the hands of the dragon as he enters her domain. The iron bars behind him signal that this battle is unavoidable and final, just as how he cannot leave the End dimension once he enters, unless he defeats the dragon—or dies trying. The Judgement card represents awakening and reckoning, reminding us while everything comes to an end, a new beginning is also imminent.

By Bax and Helian

This card features Feinberg, one leg crossed over the other, and holding a diamond sword and pickaxe in each hand. He represents an ever-changing present, not one that is static, but one that shifts. One that is ever harmonious. Surrounding him are 80 mysterious symbols and two portals, one to the nether and one to the End. The shimmer of the portals beckon to him.The World, Feinberg, represents completion and wholeness. He unifies the whole of the world, overworld, nether and End, into one harmonious creation. He has everything at his fingertips, but the World still yearns for more.

Suit of Wands

By Bax

The Ace of Wands features Helian in a field of sunflowers. Vines grow up and around them, framing the card as well as climbing up their arms. Helian is holding a burning wand that casts an orange glow. They lean forward with an outstretched palm, perhaps offering the wand to the viewer and inviting us to take part in the process of creation. The bountiful abundance of nature shown in the vines and blooming sunflowers symbolize spiritual balance and progress, while the vast field represents the endless possibilities awaiting. Looking at the whole card, the Ace of Wands represents boundless creativity and a burning passion to innovate.

By Helian

In this card, one’s eyes are drawn to the striking image of Bax, who stands partially illuminated by an unknown source of light. In the illuminated portion of the card, Bax lifts a staff above his head and into the light beam. He holds the staff in a firm grip, his facial expression equally as stern. Although seemingly bathed in a world of darkness, Bax stands his ground and toils in the effort of remaining in the shallow swath of light. Despite the mysterious and unknown challenges presented by this landscape of eternal night, Bax continually fights to remain on the offensive, never allowing the darkness of this world to overpower his firm stance.

By Jay

Here, Taffel stands before a flaming ball of pure power wielding a wand of gold. Behind her are eight other golden wands, already lit by the eternal flame of a dangerous Nether creature. Taffel holds the last of these wands: the ninth. We get the sense that she is on the precipice of success. This is her last stand, a final battle in which to prove herself. Some may call her actions stubborn or reckless - and in truth, she is feeling quite fatigued from the many clashes she has faced before this one. However, she refuses to back down from this last challenge. Her previous successes fill her with hope and courage.

By Awez

The Knight of Wands features xShatter standing in front of two End towers. He wears a determined expression, clenching a fist as he looks straight ahead. The End crystals have been broken, leaving him with just one last thing to do—face the dragon head-on. This could hint at how xShatter is prepared and ready for action, waiting for a sign to proceed. Perhaps he views his mission of defeating the Ender dragon as being of paramount importance. His expression and posture indicate his resolve to succeed, while the purple light scattered throughout the card could represent the underlying thrum of energy present in such a climatic moment. Put together, the Knight of Wands represents passion and the desire to be successful in one's endeavors.

By Khaen

The card depicts Hanabi standing, holding a wand with a red, rosebud-shaped gem in one hand. His other hand is extended out, as if to invite the viewer. At his feet there lay bushels of roses, representing life and passion. Behind him, on a royal blue backdrop, there is a sun and a soul flame torch. Maybe the torch and sun are there to lift him up and light his way.Hanabi, the Queen of Wands, is dedicated and passionate to his craft, however he is also a lone wolf, seeking to hone his skills and achieve his goals on his own terms. He represents someone who protects you and will be by your side no matter what.

Suit of Cups

By Elliot

The card is focused on Dylan as he holds a shadow orb. The orb emits darkness in the form of swirling streams, eventually fading into the memories of a speedrun. One onyx stream brightens into the Overworld; another into the cold hues of the End. One more morphs into an image of the End portal in the stronghold, and the last into the heavy heat of the Nether. Each stream represents trusting intuition and the great power that is one’s inner voice. This voice guided Dylan through past trials and helped him arrive at the end of the game. Remaining true to his instincts is what fulfilled and saved him.

By Grassfur

This card presents Switch as they hold a cup in a raised gesture, almost saluting the viewer. There are nine more cups, in various shapes and designs, hovering over them. Each cup varies greatly, and as do the liquids they hold. Underneath them, Switch grins, their eyes obscured by the light reflecting off of their glasses. The Ten of Cups card’s meaning is captured in that smile. Their expression is one of deep satisfaction, above them blessings in the form of cups. It is almost as if they are saluting past difficulties, perhaps thanking those challenges for guiding them to their current state of contentment.

By Elliot

The Page of Cups card portrays Fyroah’s glowing form against the dark backdrop of the deep blue sky. As the flames on his head flicker in the dim evening light, he looks down at the cup in his hand in surprise while it pours endlessly. The water spilling from the cup contains many swimming fish, none paying him any mind as they carry on their way. Within Fyroah’s hand lies a well of inspiration, from which a school of fish representing new ideas bursts forth. In order to move forward, one must be open to strange concepts, for they may be the key to progress.

By Harvocel and October

In this card, we see Sugarcal with her cape swirling behind her in a forest. A beam of light glints behind her through the dense canopy and shines on a cup that hovers above her hand. The cup reflects the bright light and pours out gold into the wooded scenery. Cal travels as though she has an important message to give.The Knight of Cups is artistic and graceful. She brings peace and calmness, and when she can, she avoids conflict, preferring diplomacy. This Knight comes as a courier, and she bears a gift that brings you good and light.

By Teal

Adam ArchieDemon features in the King of Cups card, adorned with a fish-shaped amulet, representing creativity and spirit. Fish swim through calm water behind him, in sync and representing the balance of the emotional and material. The King is calm, emotionally stable, and balanced, never impulsive.

Suit of Swords

By Jay

The Ace of Swords features Harvsbian in a desert with his wings spread out, triumphantly holding a double edged sword. On the tip of the sword, there hangs a crown, symbolizing victory and great power. The nether portal in the background, as well as a desert temple, show Harvs’ ambition to conquer. An ambition that goes beyond his own domain.The Sword gives the power to cut through lies and find truth, while, like all the aces, it symbolizes a moment of breakthrough and discovery. The bearer of the sword brings truth and he sticks to his principles for better or for worse, be it to start something new or quit something old.

By Herron and Saris

This Knight is daring and impatient, and he has no issue running straight into danger! This card shows Poundcake fighting off flaming blazes with his sword while on a nether fortress bridge. The glow from the fire lights Poundy’s face and the flames nearly singe him. How much closer can he get until he gets burned?The Knight of Swords is fiery, direct and works hard towards his goals, however his hubris and pride are also the root reason for his downfall. He is energetic and also impulsive, but these are often balanced by his caring nature and responsibility.

By Heas

Raddles’s imposing figure perfectly captures the essence of the Queen of Swords. This card illustrates Raddles surrounded by the tumultuous sea, a glimmering sword in her hand. She presents this sword to the viewer, free hand gesturing to it elegantly. Her expression is one of serene authority, eyes closed and brows drawn into a look of faint concentration. Violet butterflies flit about around her, but she ignores them. The silver sword reflects the warped image of a black cat, a single lavender eye piercing the viewer with its stare. It is almost as if Raddles sees through it, without need for her own eyes. The Queen of Swords holds a stern air to her - one of judgement. Yet her truth-revealing sword urges the viewer to see past facades and use wisdom when making decisions.

Suit of Pentacles

By Doto

The Ace of Pentacles card depicts a bird’s eye view of Crookst as he stands barely to the side of a worn path. In the corner, there is a pale cloud, shielding half of Crookst’s face from the bright sunlight. Crookst holds up a golden coin in one hand, its lustrous surface reflecting sunlight onto his face. Five lilies frame the bottom of the card, facing Crookst like sunflowers to the sun. These blossoms represent the potential of success as he embarks on new adventures. Crookst’s ambition is seen in his footing. With one foot in the grass and another on the beaten path, he is ready to begin anew and take chances on unexpected opportunities.

By Budgie

In this card, Elysaku stands confidently, hands surrounding half of a golden heart. On either side of the heart, two gilded apples float. Their energy and power flows into the heart, powering it and keeping it safe. Elysaku’s eyes are lit in blazing gold, as if the apples powering the heart are indirectly powering him as well. Elysaku is framed by various objects, including tridents and crossbows. Each element bordering him sybmolizes an adventure finished and a job well done. The way his hands are held around the heart imply that is it very precious to him. The heart’s position over his chest also represents his lifeforce, which is balanced precariously. This may be why he is so protective over it.

By Jay

The card depicts Lompleg, a nether portal behind them, standing in front of two piglins. Lomp holds up six golden pentacles, offering the coins to the pigs, who seem willing to trade. They know they will get their return with these trades, something much more valuable than gold.The Six of Pentacles symbolizes charity, gratitude, and giving and receiving. To receive the gifts from the pigs, Lomp must first be generous with their possessions. To flourish, they must be willing to give what they have, and in return they will show thanks to the piglins.

By Arch and Herron

In the card, Silverr is shown sitting in a library with a faint glow coming from a candle illuminating his work. It seems like he is studying figurines of bastions and forts, as well as several tomes. But despite the work being tiring and hard now, it will pay off in the long term, won’t it?The books tower around him, burying him just as he is buried in his work. Our Seven of Pentacles looks towards the future despite any present hardships, and perseveres to grow and reap the rewards of his time dedicated to cultivating his skill.

By Chor

The Eight of Pentacles features Rekrap etching a pattern into an iron helmet. His expression is focused on the Silence trim template before him. Endless rows of armor stands fade into the distance, trimmed with an array of precious metals. With the lack of other players accompanying him, perhaps these armor stands represent the way Rekrap has distanced himself from external companionship in order to focus more effectively on his smithing. This shows his dedication to his work. The Eight of Pentacles represents skill, craftsmanship, and the combination of both into a show of mastery.

By October

In the card, we see Doug kneeling in a forest clearing, one familiar to him, surrounded by hyacinth, redwoods, and butterflies. Rays of light peak through the forest’s leaves, lighting the scene and causing the gold coin in Doug’s hand to shimmer. Doug stares at the coin, thinking of the possibilities of what he could do with it.The Knight of Pentacles deals with quotidian, day-to-day life tasks. While the other knights are on adventures, he stays at home, committed to tending the hearth and the lands. However, while he is committed to his work, his ambitions can get in the way of his personal relationships.